Organizations employ different strategies to ensure that they are successful, and one of these strategies is the inclusion of e-commerce. E-commerce can be defined as the strategy in which an organization can present and sell products to its consumers through the use of technological means such as customers paying for their services and products through the use of plastic cards or modern means of payment such as Internet money transfer. Moreover, ecommerce presents a platform in which consumers can sample the products offered in an environment that provides high levels of privacy and security. Organizations pursue e-commerce with each coming out with different outcomes. For example, a company that has successful utilized e-commerce in its activities is Amazon while an organization that has failed in the utilization of ecommerce is

Amazon is a company that started by selling books that later diversified into selling an array of products from its warehouse. This means that it started purely through selling of books and with time grew and started selling different products that has made them to be among pioneers of the Internet, and especially e-commerce. Moreover, the organization has diversified into providing services and assistance to third party organizations increasing the range and services that they are offered. Some companies that have seen the importance of Amazon and have utilized Amazon to sell their products include Lands End, Nordstrom, and This Amazon achieved through leasing space to the retailers that utilizes Amazon has a supplemental outlet. Amazon has an advanced ecommerce system that prices together organization products and it consumers. This means that Amazon e-commerce functionality keeps consumer information and product data. Thus, Amazon is able to power its operations through discovery features through its extensive research and appropriate utilization of technology. The usefulness and credibility of Amazon is also associated with its approach to security and privacy issues.
The issue of e-commerce started soaring in 2001 in which many organizations pursued the benefits of ecommerce and e-business. However, many organizations never made through the difficulties of era and many failures were evident. Some of these failures may be associated with ignorance to the fundamentals of 4ps price, product, place and promotion. Moreover, other factors that played a major role in determining the success of e-commerce is technological, socio-cultural, competitive, economic, geographical and political environment. An example of a company that negated these principles was that was a networking for children that included an online store that was called that provided entertainment and educational content. It was estimated that it attracted thousand of users but it collapsed in which the inventors stated that people never cared about children.

However, the inventor forgot one fundamental that supports many ecommerce sits at that was
appropriateness of content. The content was not creative and hence lacked bi buyers resulting in the collapse of the site.

Generally, the success of and the failure of may be associated with other factors that are tricky but should be inbuilt into the site that may include privacy and security. The e-commerce presented by Amazon is more secure and guarantees privacy because it is supported by advanced technological considerations that were absent during the times of


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