The internet has spanned a number of businesses as well as services. Electronic commerce may be defined as the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. There are two primary types of electronic commerce. There is business to business and business to consumer transactions.

This paper would trace the history of business to consumer transitions and the potential direction it would take.

Business to consumer transitions
Business to consumer as defined by Bidgoli (pp 105) involves retail sales characterized by mass customization over the internet. Most of the retailers on the internet started as internet companies. The on-line retail businesses emerged as a result of growing needs for diverse products and services. Examples of the on-line retailers are Amazon or Baines and Noble who are well known for their over the internet sales (Laudon  Laudon, pp 120).

The Future of Business to Consumer Internet Commerce
The internet retailers would need to employ their integrative knowledge in order to be able to get feedbacks from customers. This can always be done by monitoring the purchasing trends by the consumers. This would help the retailers know the types of products needed by the consumers as well as sequencing of such products (Bidgoli, pp 175).

The on-line retailer would have to analyze all core knowledge. This would enable them to provide a more purchased product based on the trends of available usage of certain products (Laudon  Laudon, pp 145). Thus, retail sales would be improved through provision of a more target based selling.

The emerging trends of businesses on the internet show ways through which companies can take advantages of the opportunities. It can only be said new products and knowledge would emerge as far as internet business is concerned. The direction and how they would evolve is still open for research.


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