Customer Relationship Management Silver bullet or poison chalice.

Poison chalice is a business term used to describe a deceitful decision. The term silver bullet means a simple but effective solution given to a complex problem (Reynolds 200245). Both words in customer relationship management sprung from the notion that The customer is always right. Both words are used to contradict the importance of customer relationship management. The term silver bullet compares customer relationship management to a silver bullet literally. A silver bullet if aimed well can be used to bring down any animal no matter the size. Roger, Zerres, Zerres (2007) discuss how effective CRM can be to a business. In relation, CRM strategies if well implemented can provide an effective solution to a big problem. Poison chalice defines something perceived to be good but it really is poisonous. Another name for poison chalice is poison ivy.
Customer service relationship as a silver bullet
            This term identifies and applauds the need for customer relationship management (CRM) in business. As a silver bullet, it implies that the adoption of CRM strategies in business can lead to great changes in the overall revenue projections. In todays business environment, it is very difficult to thrive on product alone (Newell 200345). This calls for the employment of other factors to complete the cycle which includes the practice of business ethics, capturing and respecting customers preferences and setting the business focus on the individual customer. In employing CRM, a business needs first to analyze the intended objectives (Romano 200165). Customer relationship management provides strategic advantages in organizing and personalizing relationships with the esteemed customers. CRM systems give business strategic advantages. This removes the need of a certain employee for a certain customer because of hisher relationship with the customer.
             Using CRM helps keep profile of the needs of different customers. This helps in informing the employees on how to address those needs effectively while maintaining the customer. If need calls for change of the strategies, CRM helps the management in formulating new methods to be used. CRM improves the degree of responsiveness hence building customer loyalty (Ngai 200588). Customer relationship management calls for the use of suggestion boxes or any other desired customer feedback methods. Customer feedback helps determine the level of customer satisfaction. If negative feedback is received then this calls for ratification of the already existing methodologies to fit the needs addressed by the customer. A positive feedback does not call for relaxation but calls for more hard work. CRM strategies serve as a guideline in establishing sales strategies and marketing campaigns (Muther 200121). CRM strategies are not supposed to focus on retaining the customers but on retention. A companys efforts in sales should be focused on attracting a target customer. This usually applies with firms that keep few but highly rewarding clients like consultancy firms and banks. Such companies should strategize themselves to offer that client the services one cannot get from any other service provider. The firm should always retain a competitive edge to keep ahead of their competitors. Assion, Limayen (2004) discuss how a company should employ the strategies of CRM. The objectives of the business may be retaining the existing clients, looking for new clients or even both. CRM stresses that a customers purchasing decision is influenced by past experiences (Janice 200245). CRM strategies if well implemented can yield effective results. Current researches carried by the international public relations body showed that in a group of ten firms both applying customer relationship management eight of them come out successful. This is a proof that CRM really works.
Customer service relationship as poison chalice
This implies that CRM strategies may not as well be promising. It is not guaranteed that adopting CRM practices will lead to success. CRM strategies should be accompanied with a detailed plan on how to execute them. If these strategies are not well implemented then negative results are experienced. A business should identify all other factors needed in order to succeed. Establishing a good customer relationship alone will not increase sales (Donoghue 200965). Quality, advertising and pricing are some of the factors strategic managers need to employ in line with CRM. A customer will not retain hisher loyalty in a company that has friendly staff but their prices are high. Instead the customer will be willing to go where the prices are low irregardless of their customer service. Monitoring the needs of customers will not alone build customer loyalty. The attitude of the sales clerk while dealing with the customer also counts (Sharp 200035). The image of the company is portrayed by the attitude demonstrated by the sales clerks. This states that the heart of a company lies on the hands of the people who handle it and not the strategies or the technology improvised.
Case study
An example demonstrating CRM as both poison chalice and silver bullet is the case of Radisson hotels and resorts (Bruce 2004 24). This major hotel chain was losing share quickly. After a few board meetings they decided to lay down two initiatives for customer relation management. Those could be the establishment of common franchising suite and an improved system of data management. This process management to revitalize the condition of the company but not the stability did not last for long. In the early 1990s the group was scrambling again. The methods were not effective and this time the management went back to drawing table. They took into account the process of educating the managers, harmonizing the marketing and IT department (Bruce 2004 25). These strategies were incorporated with the earlier ones. Those strategies performed miracles for the chain group. Cases of losing customers were buried down under.


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